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Nora Harlow

16 04, 2017

Deer grass

2024-06-27T19:26:22-07:00Categories: Blog, grasses, California Native, Nora Harlow|Tags: , |

Deer grass (Muhlenbergia rigens) is a fine-textured bunchgrass with erect to gracefully arching grayish green leaves to three feet tall and four feet wide and a haze of tawny or silvery gray mid-summer flowers on stems that rise two feet above the foliage. Muhlenbergia rigens (deer grass) Native to many plant communities throughout much of California south and east to New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico, this adaptable grass prefers some moisture but can go all summer without irrigation if winter rains have been sufficient. Occasional summer water may keep plants nearly evergreen. Easy and fast-growing in full sun

18 02, 2017


2024-06-27T19:26:21-07:00Categories: Blog, shrubs, Nora Harlow|Tags: , |

Pittosporums are a large group of tough and adaptable evergreen shrubs or smallish trees native to subtropical and tropical Australasia, Africa, and Asia and grown in warm temperate climates throughout the world.  Most are fairly fast growing in full sun to part shade in any reasonably fertile soil with decent drainage and little to moderate moisture.  All bear small, fragrant, late spring or summer flowers in clusters at the ends of stems followed by conspicuous fruits with bright orange seeds. Several species and quite a few cultivars are commonly found in the nursery trade. Pittosporum crassifolium leaves and flowers

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