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Periodic updates about the Summer-Dry Project as we add more photos and plant descriptions

3 02, 2022

Cultivated Varieties of Narcissus

2024-06-27T19:33:12-07:00Categories: Blog, Newsletters, Garden Plants, Nora Harlow, bulbs|Tags: , |

Almost everyone has a childhood memory of daffodils, that universal symbol of the end of winter and the arrival, once again, of spring. Fewer likely know that the plant with which most of us are familiar is one among dozens of species and thousands of registered cultivars of the genus Narcissus, hundreds of which are currently in commercial production. Narcissus ‘Grower’s Pride’ All narcissus are bulbs, all produce linear, strap-shaped, or sometimes rushlike basal leaves, and all bear flowers singly or in clusters of a few to many atop upright stems from six inches to two feet tall.

9 09, 2021

Summer Dry September 2021 Newsletter

2024-06-27T19:27:56-07:00Categories: Newsletters|Tags: |

Greetings! This is the season of endings and beginnings as summer winds down and we begin to anticipate the arrival of fall. We hope you are enjoying the restful vibes of the late-summer landscape as we head into the long, long wait for winter rains. ~Saxon Holt and Nora Harlow Ornamental Alliums Allium christophii (Star of Persia) ornamental onion seedhead Alliums are a strong presence in the summer-dry garden with their eye- catching blooms and architectural forms. Learn more about how to grow these beauties, along with suggestions for some of our favorite cultivars, in our newest blog

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