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10 06, 2015


2024-06-27T19:25:19-07:00Categories: perennials|Tags: , |

Epilobium septentrionale 'Select Mattole' (California Fuchsia) silver gray foliage native groundcover in flower with Arctostaphylos It’s curious that some scientific plant names can be changed and no one seems to mind, while other changes are heartily resisted by gardeners as well as by many plant book authors and nurseries. California fuchsias were known and grown for so long as Zauschneria, their former scientific name, that it took years for some people to call them by their current scientific name, Epilobium, in part perhaps because zauschnerias are horticulturally so different from other epilobiums, or fireweeds. A variable group of

31 03, 2015

Matilija Poppy

2024-06-27T19:25:18-07:00Categories: Blog, perennials|Tags: , |

You will hear that Matilija poppy (Romneya coulteri) is hard to start and hard to stop, and to some extent this is true.  But if you plant this magnificent California native from one-gallon cans in late fall or early winter, and the spot you choose has excellent drainage (hillsides, mounds, raised beds), you should have self-sustaining plants by the second year. Plant carefully without disturbing the roots.  Water thoroughly at planting and weekly through the first summer.  The huge (4-6 inches across) white, crepe-papery flowers with bright yellow stamens each last about a week and then cleanly drop all their

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