Gardening in Summer-Dry Climates is now available.
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31 01, 2025

Planning for Fire

2025-01-31T18:58:37-08:00Categories: Water, Climate, Fire|Tags: , , |

Summer-dry climates are prone to wildfires. We love our hot, dry summers which, after wet winters, makes the vegetation tinder dry. Fires are in evitable and normal, and to live safely in this climate we have to plan for fire and hydrate our built landscape. Los Angeles State Historic Park with bioswale for stormwater percolation and native plant habitat Not all summer-dry climates are shaped by fire, but California certainly is.  The more we know about how the indigenous people used intentional fire within certain ecosystems like grasslands and Oak and Poderosa pine woodlands, the more we

9 04, 2021

Living with Wildfire

2025-01-31T18:50:14-08:00Categories: Blog, Nora Harlow, Fire|Tags: |

The goal of "firewise" landscaping is to reduce the intensity of fire and slow its advance as it nears the house. The basic principles are simple and few. Harden the target by making the house as resistant to fire as possible. Keep the area next to the house free of anything that will burn. Design and maintain planted areas farther out to provide no continuous path for fire to reach the house or move up into the tops of trees. Retain sufficient vegetation to buffer the house from airborne embers. Low plantings and concrete patio next to house

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