Romneya coulteri (Matilija Poppy) California native white flower, sub-shrub

Romneya coulteri

Romneya coulteri

Matilija popp

Romneya coulteri, commonly known as Matilija Poppy, is a sub-shrub adapted to many summer-dry climate gardens. This California native plant boasts large, white, crepe-paper like flowers that bloom in abundance during the summer months, making it a standout in any garden. Matilija Poppy has a bushy growth habit, reaching heights of up to 6 feet tall and spreading 3-6 feet wide.

This plant thrives in full sun and well-draining soil, making it ideal for mediterranean climates. Matilija Poppy is drought tolerant once established, requiring minimal water once roots are established. Notable features include its stunning white flowers and attractive foliage, which adds texture and interest to any garden.

Matilija Poppy is native to Southern California, where it can be found growing in dry canyons and hillsides. This plant is a favorite among gardeners for its showy blooms and low maintenance requirements. Consider adding Matilija Poppy to your garden for a touch of California beauty in your summer-dry landscape.

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