Nigella damascena (Love-in-a-Mist) blue flowers

Nigella damascena

Nigella damascena


Nigella damascena, commonly known as Love-in-a-Mist, is an annual flowering plant adapted to many summer-dry climate gardens. This Mediterranean native features delicate blue flowers surrounded by feathery foliage, creating a charming and whimsical appearance in the garden. Love-in-a-Mist has a compact growth habit, reaching heights of up to 18 inches.
Ideal growing conditions for Nigella damascena include full sun and well-drained soil, making it perfect for mediterranean gardens. This plant has low water needs, making it an excellent choice for water-wise landscaping. Love-in-a-Mist is often used in borders, rock gardens, and wildflower meadows for its unique beauty and easy care.
Overall, Nigella damascena is a lovely addition to summer-dry climate gardens, bringing a touch of Mediterranean charm to any landscape.

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