Groundcover planting of pink-flowered Armeria with pure white flowers of Cerastium tomentosa (Snow-In-Summer)

Armeria maritima

Armeria maritima

sea thrift

Armeria maritima, commonly known as Sea Thrift, is a drought-tolerant perennial adapted to many summer-dry climate gardens. This groundcover plant features tufts of grass-like foliage and pink pom-pom flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. Armeria maritima is ideal for rock gardens, borders, and containers, adding a pop of color to mediterranean landscapes.

Cerastium tomentosum, also known as Snow-In-Summer, is a low-growing perennial with silver-gray foliage and pure white flowers that appear in late spring. This drought-tolerant groundcover plant is perfect for filling in gaps between rocks or as a border plant in mediterranean gardens.

Both Armeria maritima and Cerastium tomentosum prefer full sun and well-drained soil. They are native to coastal regions of Europe, making them well-suited for summer-dry climates with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. These plants require minimal water once established and are great for xeriscape garden designs.

Incorporating Armeria maritima and Cerastium tomentosum into your garden not only adds beauty and texture but also helps conserve water in summer-dry climates. These plants are both attractive and functional, making them a valuable addition to any garden landscape.

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