Dasylirion wheeleri (desert spoon, spoon flower, or common sotol) in succulent border backyard garden with Aeonium 'Mint Saucer' blooming yellow and Lithodora and Echinocactus (Barrel Cactus)

Dasylirion wheeleri

Dasylirion wheeleri

desert spoon

Dasylirion wheeleri, commonly known as desert spoon, spoon flower, or common sotol, is a succulent adapted to many summer-dry climate gardens. This evergreen perennial features a rosette of long, narrow, serrated leaves that resemble large spoons. Native to the deserts of the Southwestern United States, Dasylirion wheeleri is a striking addition to succulent border backyard gardens.

This plant grows in a symmetrical, fountain-like shape, reaching heights of up to 6 feet and widths of 8 feet. Ideal growing conditions for Dasylirion wheeleri include full sun, well-draining soil, and minimal water needs once established. This plant is drought-tolerant and requires little to no supplemental irrigation in mediterranean climates.

Notable features of Dasylirion wheeleri include its architectural form, green spiky foliage, and occasional bloom of tall flower spikes. The fibrous leaves of this plant have been used by Native Americans for weaving baskets and other crafts. Considered a xeriscape plant, Dasylirion wheeleri is well-suited to low-water landscaping in summer-dry climates.

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