Crocosmia masoniorum flowers

Crocosmia masoniorum

Crocosmia masoniorum

Mason's montbretia

Crocosmia masoniorum, commonly known as Mason’s montbretia, is a bulb plant adapted to many summer-dry climate gardens. This perennial boasts vibrant orange funnel-shaped flowers that bloom in clusters atop long, arching stems. Mason’s montbretia can reach heights of up to three feet and spreads gradually by forming corms underground.

Ideal growing conditions for Crocosmia masoniorum include full sun to part shade and well-draining soil. This plant is drought tolerant once established and thrives in mediterranean climates with hot, dry summers. Mason’s montbretia is native to South Africa and is well-suited for water-wise landscaping in California gardens.

Crocosmia masoniorum is a showy addition to borders, rock gardens, and containers. Its bright blooms attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, adding a pop of color to the garden. Consider planting Mason’s montbretia in groups for a striking display.

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