Calothamnus villosus (Silky Net Bush) with pinkish red new growth

Calothamnus villosus
silky net bush
Ideal growing conditions for Calothamnus villosus include well-drained soil and full sun exposure. This plant thrives in hot, dry conditions and is drought-tolerant once established. Calothamnus villosus requires minimal water and is a great choice for water-wise gardens.
Notable features of Calothamnus villosus include its eye-catching pinkish red new growth and its ability to attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. This plant is commonly used in xeriscaping and mediterranean landscaping projects.
Overall, Calothamnus villosus is a versatile shrub that adds beauty and interest to summer-dry climate gardens. Consider incorporating this unique plant into your landscape for a pop of color and low-maintenance beauty.