Aesculus californica (California Buckeye) in fall fruit

Aesculus californica

Aesculus californica

California buckeye

Aesculus californica, California buckeye is a small deciduous tree native to mediterranean climates, known for its striking fall fruit display. This drought-tolerant tree is well-suited for summer-dry climate gardens, thriving in full sun and well-drained soil. California buckeye typically grows between 15-30 feet tall with a spreading canopy of dark green leaves. In late summer, the tree produces clusters of unique tan-colored fruit capsules, adding visual interest to the landscape. While California buckeye is prized for its aesthetic value, it is important to note that all parts of the tree are toxic to humans and animals if ingested. This tree is a valuable addition to water-wise gardens in California and other summer-dry regions.

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