Is The Drought Over ?

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It has been raining like crazy in California this winter. Or rather, it has ben raining like a normal winter. In a summer-dry climate we expect it to be winter wet.
But is the California drought over ? Here is a map showing the overall change in exactly one year, since February 2, 2016.
California drought map January 31 2016 – Feb 2 2017;
While it has been a dramatic change it its not over; Southern California is still below average. Although there is above average snowpack in the mountains, which will insure adequate water, the State is still experiencing water supply shortfalls and five years of drought have left California with a significant water supply deficit, especially when it comes to groundwater basins.
Who decides when the drought is officially over ? The State Water Resources Control Board will vote on Feb. 8 whether or not to officially extend drought regulations. Item 9.
To follow the progress of the drought and the many water conservation resources that various government agencies provide, we have listed the most active Resources and summarized them below, including a few timely rainfall reporting sites:
California Water Year Totals from National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration NOAA
California DWR Daily Reporting Stations – Department of Water Resources
Two great websites with up to date news:
Water Deeply In-depth coverage of the California drought.
California Water Blog – UC Davis Center for Watershed Science
Government resources:
Drought Portal California official website
California Water Science from US Geologic Survey and specifically CA Drought
Save Our Water State of California Water Conservation tips and action
California Drought from Pacific Institute
Background Report defining drought from DWR (Department of Water Resources): “California’s Most Significant Droughts; Comparing Historical and Recent Conditions | February 2015″
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