Gardening in Summer-Dry Climates is now available.
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3 05, 2016


2025-02-22T17:35:50-08:00Categories: Garden Plants, shrubs, succulents|Tags: , , |

Dasylirion wheeleri in succulent border with barrel cactus in foreground A boldly architectural plant for big drama in pots or in the ground, Dasylirion wheeleri (desert spoon or sotol) forms a dense, symmetrical rosette of long, narrow, silvery blue-green, somewhat twisted leaves with aggressively hooked teeth along the margins and attractively frayed straw-colored tips.  Over time plants develop a short, stout trunk, which may not be noticed unless older brown leaves are removed. Native to northern Mexico and the southwestern United States, Dasylirion wheeleri is rather widely available in the trade.  Several other dasylirions are available with a

15 03, 2016


2025-02-22T17:35:51-08:00Categories: Garden Plants, shrubs, California Native|Tags: , , |

Frangula californica (Rhamnus californica) California coffeeberry (Frangula californica, formerly Rhamnus californica) is a handsome evergreen shrub with significant wildlife habitat value.  Low and spreading to tall and upright, coffeeberry is an excellent candidate for the summer-dry garden. Coffeeberry can grow to ten feet tall or more and eight or more feet wide, but some varieties are only four to six feet tall and others are mounding groundcovers.  All have substantial dark green to olive green leaves, gray-green beneath, inconspicuous greenish yellow flowers, and copious berries loved by birds and other wildlife. Berries turn from lime green to red

13 02, 2016

Coast silktassel

2025-02-22T17:35:52-08:00Categories: Garden Plants, shrubs, California Native|Tags: , , |

Garrya elliptica (coast silktassel) in bloom Coast silktassel (Garrya elliptica) is best known for its elegant display of silky, silvery green to creamy white catkins that decorate the plant in mid-winter.  No matter how many times you’ve seen the show, a mature silktassel in full bloom never fails to amaze and delight. This lovely evergreen shrub is resilient and easy if you plant it where it is content.  Native to coastal California and southwest Oregon, silktassel needs good drainage and, near the coast or with some afternoon shade, requires little to no summer water unless winters are exceptionally

19 01, 2016


2025-02-22T17:02:32-08:00Categories: Garden Plants, trees, shrubs|Tags: , , , |

Arbutus unedo 'Elfin King' with fruit. With evergreen, leathery, dark green leaves, showy clusters of tiny white spring flowers, small red berries in fall, and red-brown peeling bark, Arbutus menziesii is a signature tree of western North America.  Native to coastal evergreen forests from southern British Columbia to California, the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada, and the eastern slopes of the Coast Ranges, this tree has long been considered too difficult for most cultivated landscapes.  Commonly known as Pacific madrone, A. menziesii is available in small containers mostly from specialty nurseries and at native plant sales. For

16 01, 2016


2025-02-22T17:02:32-08:00Categories: Garden Plants, shrubs, California Native|Tags: , , |

Toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia) If you have space in your garden for a large shrub or small multi-trunked tree that will live for decades, is attractive year-round, and provides food and shelter for wildlife, you can hardly beat California's native toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia) for its resilience, habitat value, and natural beauty. Toyon is native to much of California and survives drought, though occasional deep watering may be needed in the driest times and will bring fresh new growth with quick results.  Toyon needs good drainage and thrives in full sun to part shade but tolerates full shade. Toyon

14 12, 2015


2025-02-22T17:10:49-08:00Categories: Garden Plants, shrubs|Tags: , , |

Symphoricarpos albus Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus) is one of those plants that remind you that California does, after all, have seasons. A delicate-looking shrub with a strong constitution, snowberry has small, somewhat sparse, oval to slightly lobed blue-green leaves and an airy, rounded habit. The early summer flowers are bell-shaped and pinkish white, not particularly showy but quite charming clustered at the ends of branches and attractive to hummingbirds. The fall berries are indescribably lovely to behold.  Clusters of large, brilliant white, waxy fruits stand out against any background.  There are few shrubs with berries as white and wonderful

3 12, 2015


2025-02-22T17:10:49-08:00Categories: Garden Plants, shrubs, perennials|Tags: , , , |

Mimulus aurantiacus with Phacelia campanularia Gardeners in summer-dry climates often seek out plants that when fully established can survive without any supplemental water.  This may require some tolerance for the dried-out appearance that many of these plants take on in late summer as they hunker down to make it through to the next rains. Bush monkeyflower or sticky monkeyflower (Mimulus aurantiacus) is a natural candidate for summer-dry gardens that feature the colors of California.  This is the deep orange to yellow-orange flower that, along with lavender lupine and bright orange poppies, graces California roadsides, parklands, and open spaces

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