Gardening in Summer-Dry Climates is now available.
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31 01, 2025

Planning for Fire

2025-02-17T13:18:45-08:00Categories: Climate, Fire and Water|Tags: , , , |

Summer-dry climates are prone to wildfires. We love our hot, dry summers which, after wet winters, makes the vegetation tinder dry. Fires are in evitable and normal, and to live safely in this climate we have to plan for fire and hydrate our built landscape. Los Angeles State Historic Park with bioswale for stormwater percolation and native plant habitat Not all summer-dry climates are shaped by fire, but California certainly is.  The more we know about how the indigenous people used intentional fire within certain ecosystems like grasslands and Oak and Poderosa pine woodlands, the more we

15 06, 2024

Roses for Summer-Dry Climates

2025-02-17T13:17:49-08:00Categories: Blog, Nora Harlow, roses, Fire and Water|Tags: , , , |

My grandmother, the wife of a southern California orange rancher, grew dozens of roses on a sizable plot set aside solely for this purpose and planted in grid formation like an orchard. I don’t know how much water she gave them, but in good water years, when the sluice gates were open for the citrus trees, I imagine she had access to plenty. In dry years, with the cash crop at risk, the roses likely received little or none. 'Madame Isaac Pereire', a fragrant, repeat-blooming, 19th century Bourbon rose Experienced gardeners know that many old roses can

15 11, 2021

What is a Drought-Tolerant Plant?

2025-02-17T13:17:49-08:00Categories: Blog, Climate, Fire and Water|Tags: , , , |

Many plants are advertised or described as drought-tolerant, but what, if anything, does that tell us? Drought-tolerant where? Drought-tolerant when? Drought-tolerant if . . . what? By now, with unusually dry weather increasingly common worldwide, most gardeners likely are aware that drought itself may be defined in different ways, depending on one's perspective. Heteromeles arbutifolia (toyon) At the risk of oversimplifying, meteorological drought is lower than normal precipitation. Hydrological drought is lower than normal streamflow or groundwater levels. Agricultural drought is inadequate soil moisture for specific crops. Socioeconomic drought is insufficient water supply to meet demand. Ecological drought is insufficient

19 05, 2021

Climate Change and Water Supply

2025-02-17T13:17:49-08:00Categories: Blog, Climate, Nora Harlow, Fire and Water|Tags: , , |

Global temperatures have been rising at least since the middle of the last century, and most projections anticipate that this trend will continue. Effects of warming vary from one region of the world to another but prominently include the likelihood that precipitation will shift from snow to rain in many snow-fed watersheds. It is also likely that snow will melt faster and run off earlier, changing the timing of peak streamflow. Snow is an important, even critical, seasonal water source for many regions with large mountain ranges, including most summer-dry climates. Snowpack accumulates in the mountains in winter when demand

9 04, 2021

Living with Wildfire

2025-02-17T13:18:45-08:00Categories: Blog, Climate, Nora Harlow, Fire and Water|Tags: |

The goal of "firewise" landscaping is to reduce the intensity of fire and slow its advance as it nears the house. The basic principles are simple and few. Harden the target by making the house as resistant to fire as possible. Keep the area next to the house free of anything that will burn. Design and maintain planted areas farther out to provide no continuous path for fire to reach the house or move up into the tops of trees. Retain sufficient vegetation to buffer the house from airborne embers. Low plantings and concrete patio next to house

3 02, 2017

Is The Drought Over ?

2025-02-17T13:17:50-08:00Categories: Blog, Fire and Water|Tags: |

It has been raining like crazy in California this winter.  Or rather, it has ben raining like a normal winter. In a summer-dry climate we expect it to be winter wet. But is the California drought over ? Here is a map showing the overall change in exactly one year, since February 2, 2016. California drought map January 31 2016 - Feb 2 2017; While it has been a dramatic change it its not over; Southern California is still below average.  Although there is above average snowpack in the mountains, which will insure adequate water, the State is still experiencing water

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