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16 01, 2016


2025-02-22T17:02:32-08:00Categories: Garden Plants, shrubs, California Native|Tags: , , |

Toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia) If you have space in your garden for a large shrub or small multi-trunked tree that will live for decades, is attractive year-round, and provides food and shelter for wildlife, you can hardly beat California's native toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia) for its resilience, habitat value, and natural beauty. Toyon is native to much of California and survives drought, though occasional deep watering may be needed in the driest times and will bring fresh new growth with quick results.  Toyon needs good drainage and thrives in full sun to part shade but tolerates full shade. Toyon

14 01, 2016


2025-02-22T17:03:58-08:00Categories: Garden Plants, perennials, California Native|Tags: , , |

California native plant garden with Armeria maritima edging a walkway Sea pink or sea thrift (Armeria maritima) was once more commonly found on "drought-tolerant" plant lists than it is today.  Gardeners who were led to plant it no doubt discovered that it just doesn’t thrive without summer water or afternoon shade except right along the coast. Sea pink is nonetheless perfect for small gardens or small garden areas where a little summer water can be spared.  Its densely hummocky cushions of evergreen grassy leaves are six inches tall and spread to about a foot wide.  Pink or sometimes

5 01, 2016

California buckeye

2025-02-22T17:05:05-08:00Categories: Garden Plants, trees, California Native|Tags: , , |

Aesculus californica, in winter, at East Bay Regional Parks Botanic Garden, Berkeley. California buckeye (Aesculus californica) puts on a bold and fascinating seasonal show. In late winter bright apple-green new leaves burst forth at branch ends and rapidly unfold, quite suddenly claiming the stage among the darker greens of evergreen oaks, bays, and pines.  In spring to early summer showy spikelike clusters of lightly fragrant creamy white flowers are held gracefully upright above the leaves.  The large polished-brown seeds peeking through leathery, pear-shaped pods are highly decorative on silvery gray branches in fall. Aesculus californica flowers

3 11, 2015

California wild grape

2025-02-22T17:18:40-08:00Categories: Garden Plants, vines, California Native|Tags: , , |

Vitis californica 'Roger's Red' in fall color California grape (Vitis californica) is a large, fast-growing, deciduous vine that provides quick summertime privacy and shade as well as brilliant yellow, orange, or red fall color.  In summer or fall, the lush foliage is thrilling when backlit by afternoon sun. Native to riparian areas of California and Oregon, this headstrong vine grows thirty feet tall and wide with its preferred regimen of shaded roots, tops in full sun, and moderate summer water. Vines climb by tightly twining tendrils that stand firm against the most determined pulling and will advance

11 09, 2015


2025-02-22T17:22:21-08:00Categories: Garden Plants, shrubs, California Native|Tags: , , |

Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Yankee Point' If you’re looking for a plant that provides masses of spring flowers, stays green year round, takes little to no summer water, and thrives on benign neglect, it’s hard to beat California’s wild lilacs (Ceanothus). There are so many kinds of ceanothus that it takes a little research and some trial-and-error to find one that will do well in your garden.  Fortunately, most grow quite fast, so an initial failure is not irreparable. Some ceanothus are wide-spreading ground-huggers.  Others are medium-height mounds.  Still others are tall, upright shrubs that can be gently trained

23 02, 2015

Dwarf Coyote Brush

2025-02-22T16:57:15-08:00Categories: Garden Plants, shrubs, California Native|Tags: , , , |

In the world of living plants and landscapes there is no equivalent of the little black dress – the absolutely carefree plant that goes anywhere with the right accessories – but this has never stopped us from looking for one.  Nor has it stopped us from believing we’ve found such a plant, from embracing it with too much enthusiasm and then rejecting it outright when it fails to live up to impossible expectations, moving on to the next high fashion. Nowhere is this trend more obvious than in our vain attempts to completely cover the ground.  In the 1960s

17 02, 2015

California Native Redbud Tree

2025-02-22T16:00:18-08:00Categories: Garden Plants, trees, California Native|Tags: , , |

I hear from long-time residents of Amador County, California, that our native redbud (Cercis occidentalis syn C. orbiculata ) is not found anywhere in that county except where planted.  To me, this is a fascinating mystery, as it is commonly reported by reliable sources as occurring in the wild in that part of the state.  Some have suggested it may be the soils, that redbud requires “ultramafic”  (basic) soils, even serpentine, that are not common in Amador County.  If you live in that part of the world, please let us know if you have seen

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