Oenothera hookeri
Oenothera hookeri (Hooker's Evening Primrose, Sundrops) with Achillea and Artemisia (Sagebrush)
Oenothera hookeri (Hooker's Evening Primrose, Sundrops) with Achillea and Artemisia (Sagebrush)
Olea europaea 'Majestic Beauty'i (Olive Tree) in home landscape
Omphalodes cappadocia blue flowering perennial
Origanum rotundifolium 'Kent Beauty' (Oregano, Marjoram) cascading over rock
Osmanthus heterophyllus (Holly Olive), shrub hedge foundation planting by house
Osteosperum fructicosum white and violet flowers of (Trailing African Daisy) as groundcover in garden
Ornamental grass Stipa arundinacea - (aka. Anemanthele lessoniana) Pheasant's Tail Grass with Stachys and Phormium in colorful drought tolerant garden